Dissemination of Findings


Dissemination of Findings Overview

We’re working on this section. For now, have a look at:

  • Check out the Authors’ toolkit on the EQUATOR website.
  • Use twitter.  It’s cheap, easy and a trial of Twitter to disseminate Cochrane reviews found that using Twitter more than doubled views of systematic reviews compared to not using it.  It’s not proof of use of the reviews but if people don’t see it, they definitely won’t use it.

Top 5 Dissemination of Findings Tips


Make sure you do disseminate. There is a lot of evidence that not all trial data are published.


The EQUATOR network has a large collection of reporting standards.


If you know your data are relevant for an existing systematic review (especially a Cochrane one), let the review authors know.


Use twitter; a trial found it increased views of systematic review publications.


More to come: keep checking the site…

More About Dissemination of Findings

It is of little value to complete research unless the findings of the work are disseminated to the research community, trial participants and the general public. The obvious and most common route to inform the research community is through publication in peer-reviewed scientific journals. Trial funding bodies may also require notification of any outputs and/or publications both during the trial and after completion; funders will have their own requirements. Publication plans should be present in both the trial protocol and ethics applications, and trial summary results should be posted in EudraCT too for drug trials. Different dissemination methods will be appropriate for different research fields, public involvement can help to identify how trial outcomes can be communicated in your specific field of interest.


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