Trial Forge SWAT network
What is the Trial Forge SWAT Network?
We’d like to bring groups that do SWATs together into a network, which would be a good way of keeping everyone up to speed with what sort of SWATs people would like to see being done, which SWATs people are doing now and to run seminars where we could discuss issues that are challenging, or just interesting. Some seminars would be just for the network, others could be opened up.
A key player in organizing the network will be the York Trial Forge SWAT Centre at the York Trials unit, together with the Aberdeen Trial Forge Centre.
We’d now like to invite groups to join the Network.
How does a group become a member?
Like all clubs worth joining, there are a few entry requirements:
The group has to have completed at least one SWAT (preferably published), be doing a SWAT right now or interested in doing a SWAT in the near future.
The group has at least two staff who are ‘SWAT researchers’ and who can be the points of contact for network activity.
The group has to be keen on starting at least one new SWAT every year.
The group has to be willing to register its SWATs on the SWAT Repository.
That’s it. The group can be anywhere in the world and working in any trial area.
How do we join the Trial Forge SWAT Network?
Send an email to and, and we can have a chat.
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