
Randomised controlled trials are the gold standard for evaluating healthcare treatments; 1000s are done every year.


Randomised trials are the cornerstone of evidence-based healthcare because they offer the fairest tests of treatments, therapies and initiatives.


The evidence base for how to make the trials process efficient is remarkably thin. Trial Forge aims to change this.

Small Changes add up

Large, single improvements are nice to have but rather rare. Marginal gains – small improvements to processes – start to add up if look across a whole system. Trial Forge aims to look across all trial processes with the intention of trying to improve them all, even if it’s just by a tiny amount, because these gains will start to add up when done across the whole trial system.

Trial Forge will make trials more efficient by looking for marginal gains across all trial processes, from research question to implementation into routine care. It will encourage everyone connected with trials to be more sceptical of what we do by asking for the evidence behind all of our trial decisions.


Funding to test the effectives of monetary incentives for recruitment and retention

A list of 11 priority recruitment and retention SWATs

Studies Within A Trial (SWATs) are a good way of generating evidence to support trial process decision-making. SWATs are designing to be replicated, which means it's important to have some focus otherwise we end up [...]

Resources to help with the design and delivery of SWATs

The Trial Forge SWAT Centre (University of York) in conjunction with the Trial Forge SWAT Network have recently been working to develop resources on the design and delivery of Studies Within A Trial (SWATs). These [...]


Trial Forge Guidance 2: Value of Information Tool

Trial Forge Guidance 2 helps trial teams decide if another SWAT is needed to answer an existing research question. Five

Guidance– Trial Forge Guidance 3: randomised trials and how to recruit and retain individuals from ethnic minority groups—practical guidance to support better practice

Randomised trials, especially those intended to directly inform clinical practice and policy, should be designed to reflect all those who

Brief guidance– Enhancing Communication in Clinical Trials: The TMRN-TMRP Communication Wheel

Frances Shiely, Ratna Sohanpal, Andrew Willis, Talia Isaacs, Julia Wade, Vincent Russell, Shaun Treweek, Annabelle South, on behalf of the

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